Calling all mathematics educators! Do you have a topic you have been wanting to learn more about but feel like you don’t know where to start? Or maybe you feel like you have fallen behind the eight-ball when it comes to implementing the latest pedagogical practices in your classroom? If this sounds like you, then I have an amazing free professional learning opportunity for you! Join me and other mathematics educators just like yourself for a free virtual book study. All you need to do is purchase the book and I’ll facilitate the rest.
Who is your facilitator:
Dustin Purdy is a passionate mathematics educator with over 17 years of experience teaching math in rural, urban, and online settings.

Dustin has taught grades 6-12, with experience in 6th Grade Math, Pre-Algebra, 8th Grade Math, Algebra, Algebra A1/A2, Honors Algebra, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, Statistics, Calculus 1, Calculus 2, and has also taught college courses. He is a NYS Certified 5-12 Math Teacher experienced with The CCLS and NextGen Standards. Currently Dustin is teaching 6-12 math at Dwight Global Online School. He is passionate about transforming mathematics education; teaching growth mindset in mathematics; and creating an equitable and inclusive space where all students can learn, grow and thrive.
What will we be reading: TBD – I am asking educators what their number one top mathematics or EdTech priority is right now. If you have a book you have been dying to read, let me know in the comments. The most popular topic will be our first book study and then we will have future books studies from there.
When will we meet: Meet weekly on Wednesdays @ 7:30 PM EST through Zoom. The start date is tentatively set for February 7th, 2024 but will depend on the interest generated around this post. The end date is also tentative depending on the book we choose.
How much will this cost: The only cost to you is the cost of the book. Everything else is free.
In Conclusion
How do I get involved: First respond to this post with the topic/book you would like to read. Then fill out this Google Form to express your interest. An email will be sent out later in January confirming our book and start date.
I can’t wait for the opportunity to meet and work with new educators. I am always excited to hear others stories and experiences in the classroom and I love learning from you! Please join me for this fun and exciting opportunity to network and grow your practices.

– Inspiring students and teachers to reach their highest potential –