pd - ai - webinar

Introduction to AI For Educators Webinar

Update: This Webinar has ended. Watch Webinar recording here.

I am excited to announce that I will be part of an AI webinar which will be presented by the AMLE Teacher Leaders Committee.

Webinar Description:

Are you curious about using AI in your classroom but unsure how to begin? Or are you already using AI and looking to discuss your experience with others? Whether you consider yourself a novice or an expert on AI, this webinar led by the AMLE Teacher Leaders committee is for you. Join us for a lively discussion about ways to use AI tools to save time as teachers and promote deep learning with students. We will also explore some ethical and practical considerations to keep in mind while using AI. The webinar will include an open question and answer session as well as some time for us to connect in small groups and share our experiences using AI in our districts. Hope to see you there!

Date & Time: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM    iCalendar

Cost: Free for AMLE Members; $9.99 for Non-AMLE Members

Want to learn more? I will be on the Walk and Talk Podcast discussing the upcoming webinar.

Join me on Saturday, April 6, 2024 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM to learn more!

Link to Podcast.

Link to register for webinar: Register here

– Inspiring students and teachers to reach their highest potential –


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